For you who love historical and cultural tourism, do not forget to prioritize this destination on your list when you visit
The building comprises two parts, the front room, and the gallery room. Both of them are connected by a corridor where you will see the wall painting illustrating cultural items of Sasak tribe such as Gandrung, Rudat, Cepung, Wayang, dan Jaran Kamput. In addition, on the right side of the corridor, there are illustrations of Malengke, Toja,
The gallery room consists of two rooms, the first room and the second room. The first gallery room is used to keep many ancient photographs like Stegodon, Paleokarbau, and Hypothalamus fossils. Moreover, you can find many scarce woods like Rajumas, Cempaka, Lingsar, Bajur, Kepundung and Kelincung in this room. Most of the cultural artifacts relating to the people‘s cultures are displayed in the second gallery room where you will see some traditional dresses of Indonesian tribes such as Sasak, Bali, Mbojo and Samawa.
An ancient artifacts in shape of Siwa Mahadewa Statue (from the 9th century), equipments used for the cycle of life ceremony in their daily life such as Ceret, Kendi, Pondi and Kipas, and other tools that was used for inaugurating the Kings of Bima, Sumbawa, and Selaparang Sultanates are distinguish features of the museum. You will also find some original manuscripts like Asta Dasta Parwa (Mahabharata), Takepan Kotoragam, Takepan Jatiswara, Katika Book, and pisau Pangotthat show the original language of indigenous people in the