• Beautiful Lake Maninjau : West Sumatra Destination

    Lake Maninjau is a volcanic lake that is located at 461,50 meter above the sea level. Its width is 99, 5 km2 with 4, 95 meter of the maximum depth. The existence of Lake Maninjau has created a folktale called "Single Sembilan" (The nine Bachelors). People living around the lake believe that those nine Bachelors are real...

  • Bantimurung Waterfall the Best Destination in South Sulawesi

    Bantimurung waterfall (15 meters in height and 20 meters wide) is a very famous natural tourism destination in South Sulawesi. Pure water falls down from the crag every year. Beneath the waterfall, there is a bathing place made of limestone covered by mineral vein which is caused by the stream flow for hundred years....

  • Nimanga River, Best Rafting in North Sulawesi

    Nimanga River is one of the most favorite tourism destinations in the North Sulawesi. It has been popular as it is used for any kind of extreme sports and other activities. It will be great experience for having an extreme sport such as rafting along the river...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lampuuk Beach

Before the tsunami suffered Aceh on December 26th, 2004, Lampuuk Beach was a favourite tourism destination for tourists visiting Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. The surrounding location offered the fresh air and tranquil nature to them who visited the location. However, after that terrible tragedy, the...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The City of Watan Soppeng: a City of Bats

Watan Soppeng City Watan Soppeng is one of the most beautiful sub districts in South Sulawesi. This city is so shady for the many trees growing on each side of the streets. Its air is chilly since it locates on a mountainous are which is 200 meters above the sea level. Lontara Bugis (the ancient...