Thursday, November 18, 2004

Kutai National Park

Kutai National Park
Kutai National Park

This 198.629 ha wide national park is a top-rank tourism destination of East Kalimantan Province. Kutai National Park is commonly used for research, camping, and natural science education, besides for being used as natural tourism. Kutai National Park include into the third biggest number of orang-utan rehabilitation.

Its altitude ranges from zero – 398 meters above the sea level with hilly and winding topography areas. At least there are 60 hills; the highest one is T42 hill, which is at an altitude of 398 meters above the sea level.

Kutai National Park

Kutai National Park has tropical weather, 1.543 mm/ year of average rainfall. It has temperatures in 27º - 33º Celsius. Thus, on April to October is the right time to visit the location.

The distinctions of the locations are its diversified vegetations; mangrove, swamp forest, kerangas forest, lowland forest, and mixture forest. Moreover, Kutai National Park has also heterogeneous plants like sea casuarinas tree, mangrove, tancang, simpur, meranti, benuang, limestone, ulin, Rafflesia Arnoldii, and wild orchids. Some wild animals can also be found there such as orang-utan, proboscis monkey, long-tailed monkey, short-tailed macaque, kukang and Kalimantan owa.

Kutai National Park

Below are some natural activities that can be alternatives for spending the time around the location:

  • Maritime tourism activity and wildlife observation in Teluk Kaba and Muara Sangkimah. Here, you can observe orang-utan, sambar deer, proboscis monkey, honey bear, kanci, and birds.
  • Mangrove observation and maritime tourism in Teluk Lombok and the Estuary of Lombok River.
  • Research and wildlife observation, orang-utan, honey bear, sumbar deer, pig forest, and mouse deer in Prevab Mentoko.
  • Cave tourism, in Cave Lobang Angin.

Kutai National Park Location 

Administratively, the area of Kutai National Park encompasses four sub-districts, North Bontang, South Bontang, Muara Badak, and Marang Kayu, in the district of East Kutai, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Around the location, there are lodgements or inns for you who want to spend more days there. Campground, speedboat, and research laboratory are supporting facilities offered by the Management of Kutai National Park.

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